Saturday 12 July 2014

top funny google tricks

Hi all, Today we will see some Awesome and funny Google Tricks that you must Try and you must know it.

Google, The Number One Search Engine, We use it Daily Infact We need It daily To search our Queries.
There are some Awesome Google Tricks That you can play And have Fun with Google.
Following Are some Best Google Tricks .

Goto and just Type ” Do a ” And check the Screen,  Or Type “Do a Barrel Roll” and Click on I m feeling lucky and See the Magic.

Just Goto And Search For Zerg Rush And see the magic of Google.

Goto and Search for any thing, You will see the Results in Mirror Image.

Go to and Type Google Sphere and Click on I m feeling Lucky or click the 1st Search Result.

Goto and  Search anything For your Friends who are lazy to Search.

just Goto above link .. search anything and you will get the URL. Just send The url To you Friend.

Goto and Type Google Gravity and click on I m Feeling lucky or Click the 1st Search Result.

Awesome Way to kill Boring Time. Play Pacman… Click here and Start Playing.

Search under water, Funny Trick Just Click here and Enjoy…

Just Goto and Type Rainbow Google and click on I m Feeling Lucky or Click on 1st Search Result.

Now this is the Fun Trick you can Play with your Friends. Just Click here And Click any where in White space and you will see that “oo” In the Google have Vanished, To birng them back click any where again and They will appear again…. Then You will be Redirected To Google.

Just type “Tilt” In Google And see the magic… 

Just Click here And Check all Google Doodles Till Date.

If i am Missing Out Some More Awesome Funny Tricks Then Add them in Comments.

know email id of your facebook friends which is hidden

If you want to know email id of your facebook friends which is hidden and not showing in your friends facebook profile so here is the trick through which you can get email addresses of your all facebook friends .
Just Follow Below Given Simple Steps :
Step 1 – If your facebook account is not connected with Yahoo id then first Create an email id in yahoo and connect your facebook account with yahoo Email Id .
Step 2 -Now Login to Yahoo Mail and then go to the Contacts Tab.
Step 3 – Click on Import Contatcs.
Step 4 – Now Click on Facebook .
Step 5 – In Pop Up You will get Message that Do you want to Share your Contacts with Yahoo ! Click on OK 
Step 6 – Now you will get Message
Step 7 – Thats it ! Click on View imported contacts and See you facebook friends Email Ids .
Recommend us on google, click on g+1
- Thank you :)

how to see lock profille pic clearly in fb

Hey Guys, Many Times We Come Across Some Profiles On Facebook That Dont Allow Us To view Thier Profile Pics in Large size, This is because They have done Some Privacy Setting In thier Profile which Dont Allow Others to View Their Profile Pics In large size, all we see is shrinked Image.

Today I will Tell You A simple method To view Profile Pics of Locked Profiles In Large Size.

Step 1: Go to and sign in to Your Account.

Step 2 : Goto any locked Profile Of which You want to view Profile Picture in large size.

Step 3: Right Click on Profile Picture and Select Copy Image URL.

Step 4: Now Open a new Window in Your Browser and Paste that URL in Adress bar.

Your will Get some thing Like This:

Step 5: Now All You need to Do is Just Remove s160x160 From The Url That you copied and Press enter, Boom, Now you Can see Large size Image. 
Replace s160x160 With s720x720 , this will do the Work for you Too.

Note: To Above image url is Just an example if You Remove s160x160 From the Above Url, The Image will Not enlarge because the Profile is not locked.

Publishing Empty Status/Comments on Facebook.

Hello Everyone Today We Will Discuss On Publishing Empty Status/Comments on Facebook.
You Must Have seen your Friends Who Knows This Trick  Publishing Empty Status And Comments On Facebook, But When Ask Them How they Do it? They Won’t Answer You.

Now its Time to Show Your Friends That Even you Know the Trick To Publish Empty Comments and Statuses.

Step 1: Login To Your Facebook Account.

Step 2: Copy This Code > @[0:0: ] and Paste it in Status Box and Click on Post.
Click On Status Box, Press and Hold ” Alt ” and Press 0173. Leave Alt key and click on Post. See the magic.

Know Facebook Chatbox has its Fixed Position

Guys We Know Facebook Chatbox has its Fixed Position . But Today We Will Learn To Drag Your Facebook Chatbox anywhere On The Screen, 

This is an Awesome Facebook Trick which you willl Like to Perform and Show Your Friends.

We will Use Just 1 Google Chrome Extention Which Will not only enable you to Drag you Chatbox Everwhere but you will also Experience Increase in the Size of your chatbox.

Step 1: First of all Click here To Add Pretty Facebook Chat  Extention To your Chrome Browser

Step 2: Click on Add to Chrome then you will be asked to Confirm New Extetion, So click on Add Button.

Step 3:The Extention will Start Downloading, Once Downloaded , Just Open Your Facebook and See Your Chatbox. Now You can drag it anywhere on the screen and also the Size of the Chatbox will increase.

Note: If you Want To Revert Changes then just Goto Setting > Tools > Extentions and Disable the Extention. Or You Can Delete it if you think You Will not Use it again.

copy the data without knowing smebody

HI all, Hope you all are fine, Today i am back with awesome trick.
Today we will learn How to copy Data From Pendrive On Insert, 
We sometime wish that if someone insert his/her pendrive or Dvd Into your pc then its data automatically copy in to your system in hidden Form.
there is no need of software in this. we will make it possible with the help of some Dos commands.
lets get started, Follow the below steps.
1. open cmd
3. type copy con filename.bat
3. now type “xcopy

Monday 30 June 2014

Do not give sensitive information to anyone unless you are sure that they are indeed who they claim to be and that they should have access to the information.
What is a social engineering attack?
In a social engineering attack, an attacker uses human interaction (social skills) to obtain or compromise information about an organization or its computer systems. An attacker may seem unassuming and respectable, possibly claiming to be a new employee, repair person, or researcher and even offering credentials to support that identity. However, by asking questions, he or she may be able to piece together enough information to infiltrate an organization's network. If an attacker is not able to gather enough information from one source, he or she may contact another source within the same organization and rely on the information from the first source to add to his or her credibility.
What is a phishing attack?
Phishing is a form of social engineering. Phishing attacks use email or malicious websites to solicit personal information by posing as a trustworthy organization. For example, an attacker may send email seemingly from a reputable credit card company or financial institution that requests account information, often suggesting that there is a problem. When users respond with the requested information, attackers can use it to gain access to the accounts.
Phishing attacks may also appear to come from other types of organizations, such as charities. Attackers often take advantage of current events and certain times of the year, such as
  • natural disasters (e.g., Hurricane Katrina, Indonesian tsunami)
  • epidemics and health scares (e.g., H1N1)
  • economic concerns (e.g., IRS scams)
  • major political elections
  • holidays
Phishing Attack
How do you avoid being a victim?
  • Be suspicious of unsolicited phone calls, visits, or email messages from individuals asking about employees or other internal information. If an unknown individual claims to be from a legitimate organization, try to verify his or her identity directly with the company.
  • Do not provide personal information or information about your organization, including its structure or networks, unless you are certain of a person's authority to have the information.
  • Do not reveal personal or financial information in email, and do not respond to email solicitations for this information. This includes following links sent in email.
  • Don't send sensitive information over the Internet before checking a website's security .
  • Pay attention to the URL of a website. Malicious websites may look identical to a legitimate site, but the URL may use a variation in spelling or a different domain (e.g., .com vs. .net).
  • If you are unsure whether an email request is legitimate, try to verify it by contacting the company directly. Do not use contact information provided on a website connected to the request; instead, check previous statements for contact information. Information about known phishing attacks is also available online from groups such as the Anti-Phishing Working Group (
  • Install and maintain anti-virus software, firewalls, and email filters to reduce some of this traffic .
  • Take advantage of any anti-phishing features offered by your email client and web browser.
What do you do if you think you are a victim?
  • If you believe you might have revealed sensitive information about your organization, report it to the appropriate people within the organization, including network administrators. They can be alert for any suspicious or unusual activity.
  • If you believe your financial accounts may be compromised, contact your financial institution immediately and close any accounts that may have been compromised. Watch for any unexplainable charges to your account.
  • Immediately change any passwords you might have revealed. If you used the same password for multiple resources, make sure to change it for each account, and do not use that password in the future.
  • Watch for other signs of identity theft .
  • Consider reporting the attack to the police, and file a report with the Federal Trade Commission (
Stay Safe..

Monday 14 April 2014

BackTrack5 Best Operating System For Hackers

Some of the Features of BackTrack 5 is, It is freely distributed to all, It contains many useful security testing tools, Fully Patched with all new and updated tools, Can be used without installing, Superb Look, Can be boot from a USB drive and Many more.....

Well Known Tools In BackTrack

  • Metasploit integration
  • RFMON Injection capable wireless drivers
  • Kismet
  • Nmap
  • Ophcrack
  • Ettercap
  • Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal)
  • BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework)
  • Hydra
  • Cisco OCS Mass Scanner A very reliable and fast scanner for Cisco routers with telnet/enable default password.
  • A large collection of exploits as well as more commonplace software such as browsers.
Tools in BackTrack are arranged in the following categories:

  • Information Gathering
  • Network Mapping
  • Vulnerability Identification
  • Web Application Analysis
  • Radio Network Analysis (802.11, Bluetooth, RFID)
  • Penetration (Exploit & Social Engineering Toolkit)
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Maintaining Access
  • Digital Forensics
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Voice Over IP

You can download it from here Download Now.
Alternate link: Click to download

Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks

Do not give sensitive information to anyone unless you are sure that they are indeed who they claim to be and that they should have access to the information.
What is a social engineering attack?
In a social engineering attack, an attacker uses human interaction (social skills) to obtain or compromise information about an organization or its computer systems. An attacker may seem unassuming and respectable, possibly claiming to be a new employee, repair person, or researcher and even offering credentials to support that identity. However, by asking questions, he or she may be able to piece together enough information to infiltrate an organization's network. If an attacker is not able to gather enough information from one source, he or she may contact another source within the same organization and rely on the information from the first source to add to his or her credibility.
What is a phishing attack?
Phishing is a form of social engineering. Phishing attacks use email or malicious websites to solicit personal information by posing as a trustworthy organization. For example, an attacker may send email seemingly from a reputable credit card company or financial institution that requests account information, often suggesting that there is a problem. When users respond with the requested information, attackers can use it to gain access to the accounts.
Phishing attacks may also appear to come from other types of organizations, such as charities. Attackers often take advantage of current events and certain times of the year, such as
  • natural disasters (e.g., Hurricane Katrina, Indonesian tsunami)
  • epidemics and health scares (e.g., H1N1)
  • economic concerns (e.g., IRS scams)
  • major political elections
  • holidays

Windows Remote Desktop Client vulnerability could allow remote code execution

A  vulnerability in Microsoft Remote Desktop ActiveX Control could upon successful exploitation, allow an attacker to execute code and take control of an affected system.

Detailed Description:

Microsoft has released a security update to address a vulnerability in the Remote Desktop ActiveX control (mstscax.dll). The vulnerability was caused by a memory corruption condition that arises when attempting to access a deleted object in memory. Upon successful exploitation, an attacker could be able to execute code and take control of the affected system.

This issue has been fixed by introducing a modification in the way that Remote Desktop Client handles objects in memory. Users are recommended to install the latest update as a protection measure against possible exploit attempts.